Saturday, October 26, 2024 @ 7:30pm – 9:30pm (EDT)
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Steve ReichPiano Phase
Laurie Anderson — Selected works
Philip GlassElergy for the Present (U.S. premiere)
Philip Glass — Selected works (works used in 'The Truman Show')
Philip GlassFour Movements for Two Pianos
Hania RaniHawaii Oslo
Hania RaniGlass

The Namekawa-Davies Duo present Pianographique, an evening of music featuring works by Philip Glass, Laurie Anderson, Steve Reich and Hania Rani, with real-time visualizations by Cori O’Lan.

The concert features Steve Reich’s iconic Piano Phase (1967), two pieces by Laurie Anderson including Bob and Bill, and a second half comprised of works by Philip Glass, including the U.S. premiere of Elergy for the Present (2020), music from The Truman Show, and Four Movements for Two Pianos, which Glass composed for the Namekawa-Davies Duo. 

We are pleased to announce that Hania Rani's Hawaii Oslo and Glass are new additions to this program.

Free with registration; space is limited.