Everett Chorale, Evergreen Community Orchestra, & Snohomish County Youth Chorus: Holiday Air
$25 ($20 child/senior/active military)
Johann Sebastian Bach — "Jesus bleibet meine Freude" ("Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring") from Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 (arr. for chorus & orchestra)
Howard Blake — Walking in the Air for chorus and orchestra, Op. 335a
George Frideric Handel — Zadok the Priest, HWV 258 (Coronation Anthem No. 1)
Various — Selected works
Everett Chorale, Evergreen Community Orchestra and Snohomish County Youth Chorus invite you to a combined holiday performance. Featured selections will include John Rutter's Gloria; an arrangement of "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" for chorus and orchestra; Walking in the Air by Blake for chorus and orchestra; Zadok the Priest; three pieces by the orchestra, and two pieces by the youth chorus. Don't miss this exciting holiday concert by these three premier groups!
About Evergreen Community Orchestra
Evergreen Community Orchestra is a local, non-profit, inclusive community group.
We are you. We are teachers and engineers and students. Some of us have played professionally. Some of us have not played since high school. Others are "mature beginners." All of us have a love of music.
We volunteer in our community to share the benefits of music.
We play for our community to inspire and encourage.
We work with each other to grow as musicians and members of our community.
https://www.evergreencommunityorchestra.orgAbout Snohomish County Youth Chorus
The Snohomish County Children's Choir was founded in 1999 by local music teacher Shelly Logan to provide a challenging setting for outstanding young singers to further their choral education. Upon Mrs. Logan's retirement in 2014, SCCC became a branch of the Everett Chorale Association, and in 2016 became the Snohomish County Youth Chorus. Today, SCYC is a not-for-profit, non-auditioned community youth chorus dedicated to the artistic and personal development of all children and youth who love to sing. Our goal is to offer affordable, high-quality vocal instruction to young people residing in Snohomish County and beyond.