Saturday, December 7, 2024 @ 7:30pm – 9:30pm (EST)
Church Of The Redeemer, Baltimore, MD, United States
Loyset Compère — Selected works
Antoine de Févin — Selected works
Pierre Attaingnant — Selected works
Clément Janequin — Selected works

The Peabody Renaissance Ensemble will create an ingenious theatrical entertainment featuring Peabody alumna Mara Jaffee as young Madame Lucette, a teenage orphan trying to make her way in tumultuous 16th-century France. The PRE tells her story with a program of songs and dances from the French Renaissance theater. 

The PRE is an ensemble of 22 Peabody students and community members who sing and play viols, recorders, lutes, and early fiddles. Directed by guest faculty member Tina Chancey and choral coach Adam Pearl, the ensemble will perform French Renaissance music by Loyset Compère, Antoine de Févin, Pierre Attaingnant, and Clément Janequin.

About Peabody Renaissance Ensemble

The Peabody Renaissance Ensemble was founded in 1988 by Mark Cudek. PRE is comprised of students and staff of Peabody and the Johns Hopkins University as well as guests from the Baltimore-Washington early music community. PRE consists of a vocal ensemble and instrumental consorts of violas da gamba, recorders, lutes and guitars, and percussion. In recent years students have also performed with the ensemble on Renaissance violin, vielle, dulcian, cornetto, and sackbut. PRE alumni have performed professionally with Apollo's Fire (the Cleveland Baroque Orchestra), the Baltimore Consort, Folger Consort, Hesperus, Les Arts Florissant, Les Delices, Montreal Baroque, Musica Pacifica, New York Collegium, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, Piffaro, the Waverly Consort and many other leading American early music ensembles. PRE has a loyal audience, performs regularly in Leith Symington Griswold Hall, and has recorded several CDs.

Church Of The Redeemer

5603 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21210
United States