Saturday, August 6, 2022 @ 7:00pm – 9:00pm (EDT)
Wilmer Park, Chestertown, MD, United States
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Free (pay-what-you-wish; RSVP required)

Blue skies, sailboats, and flying flags set the scene as the BSO makes their final stop on the first leg of the Music for Maryland Tour in Kent County. This family friendly program features American favorites including Jonathan Leshnoff's Dancing Blue Crabs! and a special nod to Kent County and Superman himself, Clark Kent, with John Williams' Superman March. Experience the perfect way to celebrate the summer in Maryland.

Help us bring music to our state! Music for Maryland Tour reservations are Pay-What-You-Wish encouraged, but not required. Tickets are required for admission to this performance.

About Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

For over a century, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) has been recognized as one of America's leading orchestras. The orchestra is internationally renowned and locally admired for its performances, recordings, and community and educational initiatives including OrchKids.

Wilmer Park

413 S Cross St
Chestertown, MD 21620
United States