Heritage Signature Chorale 23rd Annual Concert: Black Composers Retrospective
Moses Hogan — Selected works
Damien Geter — Selected works
Roland Carter — Selected works
Rosephanye Powell — Selected works
Stanley J. Thurston — Selected works
Adolphus Hailstork — Selected works
Join us to experience the rich and brilliant choral music of African American composers, such as James Lee III, Moses Hogan, Damien Geter, Roland Carter, Rosephanye Powell, Stanley J. Thurston, and Adolphus Hailstork, to name a few. The Heritage Signature Chorale continues its mission to present exceptional artistic presentations of music by African Americans. In the beautiful setting of the National City Christian Church, HSC reveals the breadth of its Black Composers Retrospective Series, bringing life to less-often performed musical gems by underrepresented composers of color. Come to see and hear the AWE of musical GENIUS.
About Heritage Signature Chorale
The Heritage Signature Chorale is committed to preserving, at the highest artistic level, the performance art traditions of African-American choral music, especially the Negro Spiritual; to elevating the African-American singer and composer in all musical genres; and to bringing a unique interpretation of classical music from America, Europe and other regions of the world.
The Chorale provides a venue for showcasing artists, composers, and arrangers who share this commitment, thereby fostering community awareness and appreciation of this important legacy.
Founded in 2000 by Artistic Director Stanley J. Thurston, HSC seeks to enhance opportunities for a new generation of listeners to understand and appreciate the historical legacy of this music through education and performance.