Sunday, December 3, 2023 @ 3:00pm – 4:15pm (PST)
St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, Camano, WA, United States
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$25 ($20 senior); preview concert pricing

Cantabile sings in the season with songs of love toward Christmas, love towards Earth, and love towards each other. Amatum will be a 75-minute concert for the whole family. Accompanied by strings, come hear these beautiful voices ring in the season; there may even be an opportunity for you to sing along!

2 performances:
- December 3, 3pm at St. Aidan's Episcopal Church on Camano Island (preview concert)
- Sunday, December 10, 3pm at McIntyre Hall in Mount Vernon

St. Aidan's Episcopal Church

1318 WA-532
Camano, WA 98282
United States