Sunday, June 23, 2024 @ 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EDT)
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Portland Symphonic Girlchoir and participating choruses perform Jim Papoulis' Give Us Hope, Amy C. Burgess' Music is Indeed, and Bob Chilcott's A Little Jazz Mass, all conducted by Roberta Q. Jackson and Debra D. Burgess. Also, hear Kevin Boesiger's Songs of Healing and Hope, conducted by the composer, and Dan Forrest's grand Te Deum, guided by conductor Don Krudop with the New England Symphonic Ensemble. The Northern Colorado Youth Orchestra perform in the Ensemble Spotlight Series led by conductor Daniel F. Smith.

About Roberta Q. Jackson, conductor

Roberta Q. Jackson is recognized as a leading choral educator, both for her work spanning 30 years teaching in public schools in Minnesota and Oregon and her work with Portland Symphonic Girlchoir since its founding in 1989.