Nordic Chamber Music: Sweden – Keys to the Swedish Harp
Suggested donation: $30 ($20 senior, $10 student/child)
- Anna Abraham, nyckelharpa
- Leslie Foley, nyckelharpa & fiddle
Nyckelharpa player Anna Abraham will be joined by Leslie Foley playing a myriad of folk instruments, exploring the connections between Swedish folk music and classical music and their mutual origins.
In lieu of tickets this year we are offering the concerts to all regardless of financial position. With several suggested donation levels, we hope you'll consider pre-registering for the concerts, supporting the full season, or donating at whatever level is comfortable for you. If you are not able to donate but would like to attend, we welcome you as you are. We are able to continue to provide this series because of the generosity of individuals like you. Thank you. Takk. Tak. Tack. Takk. Kiitos.
About Nordic Chamber Music
Nordic Chamber Music presents chamber music concerts featuring music from each of the five Nordic countries each year, plus a sixth concert highlighting one of the countries neighboring the region. Musicians from the Pacific Northwest, across the US, and from abroad grace the NCM stage, brining works otherwise unheard in our region. With Laura Loge as Artistic Director, the series is produced by the Northwest Edvard Grieg Society.
https://nordicchambermusic.orgAbout Anna Abraham, nyckelharpa
About Leslie Foley, nyckelharpa & fiddle
Nyckelharpist Leslie got her start, as did many, with the generous and talented Bart Brashers. She has played the nyckelharpa around the Seattle area for about 10 years. Besides learning the basics (and then some) from Bart, she has taken limited instruction from Ben Teitelbaum and Josefina Paulson.