Friday, November 15, 2024 @ 7:30pm – 9:30pm (PST)
St. James Cathedral, Seattle, WA, United States
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$35-$50 ($25 student/senior); or pay as able

We celebrate the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of Anton Bruckner, born on September 4, 1824 in a village near Linz, Austria, with a concert featuring his Mass No. 2 in E minor, WAB 27, for eight-part mixed choir and fifteen wind instruments.

Bruckner's Mass in E minor was composed in 1866, then revised extensively and republished in 1882 (the version that we are using). Its first performance was for a Mass that was held outdoors, outside of Linz Cathedral (there is no organ part to this Mass setting), blessing a newly-built votive chapel. Barry Creasy, Chairman of the Collegium Musicum of London writes, "The work illustrates more succinctly than any other Bruckner's unique style—combining the simplicity of expression, devoutness, restraint, poignancy and austere power of Italian Renaissance polyphony with the romantic, fully Brucknerian harmony, bold motivic development and powerful combinations and contrasts of vocal and instrumental texture."

About St. James Cathedral Cantorei (Seattle)

The St. James Cathedral Cantorei is the professional ensemble comprised of section leaders from the Cathedral Choir and the Women of St. James Schola. Cantorei members, who have active and accomplished careers as soloists, choral artists, and music educators, provide music for the 10am and 12pm Masses during the summer months when the Cathedral Choir is in recess. The individual members of the Cantorei minister as cantors, soloists, and psalmists at all sung liturgies at St. James and at the monthly ecumenical service with music from Taizé—nearly 600 services a year. As a choral ensemble they have performed such works as Parry's Songs of Farewell, Bach's Magnificat, Handel's Dixit Dominus, Tallis' Lamentations of Jeremiah, Mozart's Solemn Vespers, and Charpentier's Messe de minuit pour Noël.

About St. James Cathedral Chamber Orchestra (Seattle)

The St. James Cathedral Chamber Orchestra is made up of leading instrumentalists from the Pacific Northwest. Individual members perform regularly with ensembles that include the Seattle Symphony, Pacific Northwest Ballet Ensemble, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra, and North Corner Chamber Orchestra.

St. James Cathedral

804 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
United States
(206) 382-4874