Sunday, April 19, 2015 @ 2:00pm – 4:00pm (PDT)
Mount Baker Community Club, Seattle, WA, United States
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$30 ($25 seniors; $15 students)

Come relax to the cool strains of the Turtle Island Quartet, our country’s premiere jazz string quartet, taking turns with a quartet of our own musicians playing classical tunes that complement the jazz.

Then we’ll combine forces as we play octets by The Beatles, Milhaud and David Balakrishnan, TIQ’s violinist. Call it Clazzical Music! We’ll also play a two-cello arrangement of Mark Summer’s beloved Julie-O.

Turtle Island Quartet: Mateusz Smoczynski and David Balakrishnan, violins; Benjamin von Gutzeit, viola; Mark Summer, cello.
Simple Measures quartet: Jennifer Caine and Maria Sampen, violins; Tim Christie, viola; Rajan Krishnaswami, cello.

Mount Baker Community Club

2811 Mount Rainier Drive South
Seattle, WA 98144
United States