Saturday, August 26, 2017 @ 7:00pm – 9:00pm (PDT)
Henny Home, Clinton, WA, United States

Gloria Ferry-Brennan, violin
Eleni Matos, mezzo-soprano
Cynthia Morrow, viola
Roxanna Patterson, viola
Fumi Tagata, soprano
Sheila Weidendorf, piano

Island Consort presents the 3rd Annual Luise Greger Women in Music Fest August 25-26-27. This year's program features works by Amy Beach, Nadia Boulanger, Lori Laitman, Lillian Fuchs, Angelique Poteat and, of course, Luise Greger.

Luise Greger – great-great grandmother of Whidbey Island regular Elizabeth Derrig – was a prolific and quite renowned composer in Germany, euthanized by the Nazi regime in the '40s. Our festival celebrates the work of Greger and other female composers, past and present.

Friday's concert (Aug 25th) will be at 7pm at the Noorlag Salon in Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island; Saturday's (Aug 26th) will be at at 7pm at the Sunlight Beach home of Marion Henny (also on Whidbey). The Sunday, August 27th performance will be at the Ballard Homestead in Seattle at 2 pm.

To reserve your seat (and pay upon arrival with cash or checks made payable to WIAC) email [email protected] or call (360) 320-2362. Reservations required for the two Whidbey Island performances. Island Consort is an umbrella partner of Whidbey Island Arts Council, a 501C3, not-for-profit organization.

Henny Home

6290 Bayview Road
Clinton, WA 98236
United States