Island Consort: From North India to the Northwest
Friday, August 10, 2018 @ 8:00pm – 10:00pm (PDT)
The Chapel at the Good Shepherd Center,
United States
$5-$15 sliding scale
Alan Hovhaness
Selected works
Richard Bissill — Selected works
Rebecca Clarke — Selected works
Charles Koechlin — Selected works
Richard Bissill — Selected works
Rebecca Clarke — Selected works
Charles Koechlin — Selected works
Pandit Debi Prasad Chatterjee, sitar
Neil Welch, saxophone
James Patterson, horn
Roxanna Patterson, viola
Sheila Weidendorf, piano
Island Consort presents sitar master Pandit Debi Prasad Chatterjee and Neil Welch with James Patterson, Roxanna Patterson, and Sheila Weidendorf in this concert of Hindustani classical music and contemporary Western classical music (works by Rebecca Clarke, Richard Bissill, Charles Koechlin, Alan Hovhanhess & more!). Bliss out to traditional ragas and modern raga-inspired fusion. This concert is a must-hear!