Tanglewood 2020 Online Festival: BSO Musicians in Recital – Mozart, Roumain, & Schubert (through 8/28/2020)
$5 / $32 / $100
Julianne Lee, violin
Rebecca Gitter, viola
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – String Duo No. 1 in G major for violin and viola, K. 423
Julianne Lee, violin
Daniel Bernard Roumain – Filter
Julianne Lee, viola
Lisa Kim, violin
Steven Ansell, viola
Oliver Aldort, cello
Franz Schubert – String Quartet No. 13 in A minor, D. 804, Op. 29 "Rosamunde"
BSO violinist Julianne Lee plays a short, energetic piece written by another violinist, Daniel Bernard Roumain, his Filter for solo violin. Lee performs with BSO violist Rebecca Gitter in Mozart’s Duo in G, one of two duos the composer wrote as a favor for his friend Michael Haydn – Joseph’s brother – who fell ill before fulfilling a commission. The G major duo is a substantial work of grace and elegance. Franz Schubert’s late string quartets rank among his greatest works. His songful "Rosamunde" Quartet, the only one of these to be published in his lifetime, takes its name from a melody it shares with music he wrote for the stage play by that name.
Available August 21, 2020 at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific, through August 28.
Purchase video here: https://www.bso.org/seat/SelectYourOwnPerformance/102506
Link to donate: https://donate2.app/2Yf6k7
Tickets: $5 per video or $32 for the entire series. Donate $100 or more and receive a pass for the entire season!