Wednesday, May 26, 2021 @ 4:30pm – 6:00pm (PDT)
Online event

Stewart Goodyear, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Sonata No. 15 in D major, Op. 28 "Pastoral"
Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Sonata No. 25 in G major, Op. 79
Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Sonata No. 32 in C minor, Op. 111

Heralded for his astounding feat of performing the pianistic Everest — all 32 Beethoven sonatas in a single day, Canadian pianist Stewart Goodyear brings his formidable talent and deep understanding of Beethoven to our stage for the first time in a 92Y debut we are thrilled to present. Goodyear performs sonatas from Beethoven’s early, middle and late periods — the beautiful early Op. 28, “Pastoral”; folk-inflected Op. 79; and groundbreaking, transcendent final sonata, Op. 111. A microcosm of Goodyear’s amazing artistic arsenal.

The broadcast will begin at 4:30pm Pacific / 7:30pm Eastern.

The concert stream will be available to ticket buyers for one full week from the time of broadcast. View it live, or at your convenience!

92Y is confronting tremendous financial losses due to COVID-19. Your ticket purchase will help sustain our beloved institution and will also support the creation of new, online programming that will bring comfort and inspiration to our community. Together, we will get through this. Please consider making a donation at 92Y.org/HelpNow.