Tuesday, August 3, 2021 @ 10:00pm – 12:00am (EDT)
Online event
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$25 ($200-$225 subscription)

Amanda Röntgen-Maier – Violin Sonata in B minor
Tai Murray, violin
Andrew Armstrong, piano

Stewart Goodyear – Piano Quartet
Jun Iwasaki, violin
Cynthia Phelps, viola
Mark Kosower, cello
Stewart Goodyear, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op. 1, No. 1
Tai Murray, violin
Mark Kosower, cello
Stewart Goodyear, piano

Concert on-demand beginning at 7pm Pacific.

Subscriptions are $200 through June 18 (price increases to $225 at that time). Individual concert access is $25 per concert. A 100% Subscription is $400, $200 of which is a fully tax-deductible gift to SCMS that supports the 2021 Online Summer Festival.

Support Seattle Chamber Music Society: https://www.seattlechambermusic.org/give