Marmaduke Overend Festival: Concert 2 & Afternoon Tea
William Boyce — Selected works
George Frideric Handel — Selected works
Henry Lebedinsky, harpsichord
Anna Okada, baroque violin
Eleanor Legault, baroque violin
Anna Marsh, bassoon
Marmaduke Overend (ca. 1730-1790) enjoys a worldwide reputation as one of England’s most obscure composers, vying for the title with Obadiah Shuttleworth and Starling Godwin. In fact, the portrait we’re using to advertise this concert belongs to Overend’s teacher, William Boyce, also known as England’s largest baroque composer. That being said, Overend’s music is quite fine, and definitely worth knowing. Here’s your chance.
Join host and harpsichordist Henry Lebedinsky along with baroque violinists Anna Okada and Eleanor Legault and baroque bassoonist Anna Marsh for afternoon tea, a little claret, good company, and a tour of late baroque musical England featuring trio sonatas by Overend, Boyce, and George Frideric Handel, along with the stories behind the music.
Because of the overwhelming popularity of Overend’s music, we have chosen a truly unique location for this concert: the back gardens of Bamboo Cottage, the Everett, WA residence of Classical Uncorked founders Henry Lebedinsky and Danae Ashley.
The concert will begin at 4pm.
Seating is limited to 25 people. Due to COVID-19, we ask that only people who are fully vaccinated attend this event.