Sunday, November 7, 2021 @ 5:30pm – 7:30pm (PST)
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Free (Free (reservation required))

Polina NazaykinskayaHaim
Lori Laitman — Selected works
Tom Cipullo — Selected works

This special Welcome Back Concert, free to the community, is our way of thanking all of you for persevering with us through a most challenging time. The program sparkles with some of MOR’s most exciting repertoire, reconnecting you with the amazing artistry of some of your favorite MOR performers. You’ll hear new songs that Lori Laitman and Tom Cipullo created for us, inspired by the perseverance of the ginkgo tree that survived devastation to sprout anew; cabaret songs from Terezín that prisoners wrote and sang under the noses of their Nazi captors; and Polina Nazaykinskaya’s Haim – a tribute to David Arben, who survived seven labor and concentration camps thanks to his violin and went on to an illustrious career in America. And more!

The concert will take place at 5pm.

You may reserve up to two tickets per household beginning Monday, September 20, 2021.

Because COVID-19 remains present in our communities, Music of Remembrance is planning live concerts in a cautious manner with safety protocols that include reduced seating capacity, audience distancing, masking, and vaccination requirements. Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our audience, performers and staff. Circumstances continue to evolve almost daily, and we’re prepared to make changes or take any additional steps that become necessary.