Sunday, June 5, 2022 @ 7:00pm – 9:00pm (PDT)
Faith Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA, United States
Online and in-person
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Free (donations accepted)

Dedicatory celebration of Faith Lutheran Church's new pipe organ by the Pipe Organ Foundation, Opus 11.

The program will include recognition of POF and Faith Lutheran volunteers who contributed time and energy to the project, remarks by former Faith Lutheran Music Director Nan Beth Walton and Pipe Organ Foundation President Carl Dodrill, a liturgy of dedication, and recital by David Buice, Faith Lutheran Music Director.

A reception will follow the conclusion of the recital.

About David Buice

Before relocating to the Pacific Northwest, David Buice was Performing Artist-in-Residence at Oglethorpe University and Harpsichordist-in-Residence at the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia, and Minister of Music at Church of the New Covenant in Doraville, Georgia. He has served as Director of Music at Faith Lutheran Church, Seattle, since October of 2017.

In addition to directing the Faith Lutheran Music & Arts Ministry, he has performed solo keyboard and chamber music with resident instrumentalists in the Faith Sanctuary, as well as presenting harpsichord and lautenwerck (lute-harpsichord) recitals for the Anacortes Arts Federation.

Faith Lutheran Church

8208 18th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
United States
(206) 523-9636