Friday, July 15, 2022 @ 4:00pm – 5:00pm (EDT)
Inter-Faith Chapel, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Stephen SondheimInto the Woods (selections)
George GershwinPorgy and Bess (selections)
Leonard BernsteinWest Side Story (selections)
Stephen SondheimFollies (selections)
Richard RodgersThe King and I (selections)

Join us for this tribute to legendary composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim. Hear some of his most beloved songs plus lesser known gems and works by artists who mentored and inspired him, including Rodgers & Hammerstein, Leonard Bernstein, Jerome Kern, and Harold Arlen. Songs from Into the Woods, Porgy and Bess, West Side Story, Follies, The King and I, and more will be performed by Annie Gill, Michael Manganiello, Thea Tullman Moore, Jennifer Simone Smith, and pianist Sonya Subbayya Sutton. The artists will also share incredible stories about Sondheim's life and rise to fame.

Masks and proof of vaccination are required. Thank you for helping to keep our community healthy! 

About Michael Manganiello, baritone

Michael Manganiello is a doctoral candidate and faculty member at the Peabody Institute, where they teach voice and professional studies. Michael specialises in vocal pedagogy, early music, and contemporary classical and commercial music. Their recital programmes explore identity and phenomenology, examining themes at the core of human experience.

Inter-Faith Chapel

3680 S Leisure World Blvd
Silver Spring, MD 20906
United States