Sunday, November 13, 2022 @ 6:30pm – 9:00pm (PST)
The Waypost, Portland, OR, United States
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Free (RSVP available for performers)

A chamber jam is like a classical "open mic" without the mic. Pro or amateur, teacher or student – all are welcome! Bring your instrument and play when you are ready! (If you want to coordinate with other musicians beforehand, join our Google Group – more info below)

The players at a chamber jam cover an unpredictable range of music. We've hosted early music played on period instruments, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern, all the way to 21st-century pieces with electronics and looping or backing tracks. Instruments range from string quartets to saxophones, from oboes to opera singers. You'll also hear plenty of new pieces by emerging local composers.

Classical Revolution PDX is not an ensemble – it's a community, and the chamber jams are the heart of that community! Many freelancing independent musicians who join us at jams will also get spots in paid showcases, and it’s a great place to network and find audiences who might not find you otherwise. Come prepared, or just get a group to sight-read a piece. The only rules: no shushing, and have fun!

We hope you will join Classical Revolution PDX at a chamber jam soon. We will post the specific dates and times of our chamber jams here:

- Classical Revolution PDX home page

- Facebook

- The Classical Revolution PDX Google Group:!forum/classicalrevolutionpdx

The Waypost

3120 N Williams Ave
Portland, OR 97227
United States