Sunday, February 5, 2023 @ 7:30pm – 9:30pm (PST)
The Old Church Concert Hall, Portland, OR, United States

The Old Church invites you to be part of a series that celebrates intentional healing through sound, and creative visuals, and presence of mind. Each concert in the series is carefully booked to coincide with either the Full or New Moon. 

This concert celebrates the Full Snow Moon on February 5th, 2023.

About Casual Decay

Casual Decay is the experimental ambient project of Portland based artist and educator Jon Nasrallah. Equipped with a biochemistry degree and a background in STEM Education, Nasrallah is a self-taught multimedia designer who approaches his art with scientific rigor. Inspired by ecological systems, weather patterns, and cellular activity, Nasrallah uses a variety of synthesizers and sampling techniques to approximate the dynamics of the natural world. His latest album, Sunset Moonrise, combines electronic sound design and generative composition into singularly integrated, ever-changing soundscapes. With deep roots in the DIY punk scene, Nasrallah draws on the dreamy distortion of shoegaze and the volcanic dynamics of post-rock for a uniquely heavy take on ambient music. Sunset Moonrise meditates on humanity's relationship to our environment by channeling both the serene and the punishing aspects of the natural world.

About Moss Wand

As Moss Wand, Troy Micheau and Brianna Sas explore the intersection of sound and healing with cascades of synthesizer drones and resonant crystal singing bowls. Together they generate deep healing vibrations to provide all beings with a place to rest and come home to themselves.

The Old Church Concert Hall

1422 SW 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97201
United States
(503) 222-2031