NonSeq – DXARTS: Embodied Knowledge
$5-$20 donation at door/in advance
An expansive collective showcase of the current graduate cohort of DXARTS (Department of Digital Arts and Experimental Media) at the University of Washington.
Participants: Esteban Agosin, Chari Glogovac-Smith, Umut Gunduz, Eleanor Jones, Nicolas Kisic Aguirre, Laura Luna Castillo, Michele Newman, Althea Rao, Sadaf Sadri, Wei Yang, Beau Jeffrey Wood.
About Wayward Music Series
Each month, Nonsequitur and a community of like-minded organizations and artists present 10 concerts of adventurous and experimental music in the gorgeous Chapel Performance Space at the Good Shepherd Center: contemporary/post-classical composition, free improvisation and the outer limits of jazz, electronic/electroacoustic music, new instruments, phonography, sound art, and other innovative musics. DXARTS (UW)
DXARTS is a ground-breaking department of creative practice-based research. Our mission is to support and empower new generations of artists who reimagine our emerging relationships with new technologies. As a department, DXARTS challenges current trends, develops new approaches to artistic discovery, embraces diversity, and looks towards the future while critically engaging with traditional forms. We strive to probe the unknown through experimentation across media and disciplines.