Tacoma Opera: Andre Previn's 'A Streetcar Named Desire'
$35.50-$100.50 ($30.30-$60.30 Tacoma Opera 40; Tacoma Opera 100 free)
Tacoma Opera presents André Previn’s operatic adaptation of Tennessee Williams' iconic play, A Streetcar Named Desire. This thought-provoking portrayal delves into the complexities of stereotypes, psychology, and societal expectations that create deep-rooted prejudices against those who dare to challenge societal norms.
We explore the unraveling of Blanche DuBois, a fading Southern belle whose vulnerability and fragile mental state are exacerbated by the harsh reality of her circumstances. As Previn's haunting score masterfully weaves jazz, blues, and traditional opera elements, our production sheds light on the tragic consequences of human disbelief and dismissal.
We are excited to bring A Streetcar Named Desire to the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center in February. The PAEC's impressive, elegant glass lobby provides the perfect backdrop for our opening night pre-show Mardi Gras party, with jazz music, cocktails, and appetizers, where our partnership with Catherine Place in Tacoma allows proceeds to benefit women in crisis. Moreover, the PAEC is just 12 minutes from Tacoma's city theaters and elevates your opera experience with ample free parking.
Runs February 9-11.
Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center
31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way SouthFederal Way, WA 98003
United States