Annapolis Symphony Orchestra: Masterworks II – Pepe Plays Ponce
- Pepe Romero, guitar
Manuel Ponce — Concierto del Sur
Silvestre Revueltas — Homenaje a Federico Garcia Lorca
Maurice Ravel — Ma mère l'Oye
Join the ASO for an evening filled with Mediterranean flair, passionate music, and momentos sin respiración (moments of breathlessness). This evening we present music that’s truly changed the world!
Ponce and Revueltas were instrumental in proudly showcasing Latin American folk music and instrumentality to European and American audiences, opening the door for future Latino and Hispanic composers and musicians. Similarly, our Guest Artist, world-class guitarist Pepe Romero has long served as an ambassador from Spain to music lovers around the globe. He joins the orchestra for Ponce's masterful Concierto del Sur.
Rossini, a natural storyteller, brings to life the humor, passion, and magic of Spain with his Barber of Seville.
We move from Spain and Italy to southern France in a performance of Ravel’s Ma Mère l’Oye ("Mother Goose"), a beautiful musical rendering of childhood fairy tales brought to life by Ravel. In 1911, Ravel re-wrote this piece for an extended ballet. This evening the ASO presents the original five-piece suite for orchestra.
Runs November 3-4.