Sunday, December 17, 2023 @ 3:00pm – 5:00pm (PST)
Ballard Oddfellows Hall, Seattle, WA, United States

On Sunday, December 17, 2023, at 3:00 pm, the Whirling Dervishes of the Mevlevi Order of America will present the Sema Ceremony honoring the great Sufi Mystical Poet, Hz. Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, at Ballard Odd Fellows Temple. The event features the prayer dancing of the Whirling Dervishes, a ceremony presented as it has been for over 800 years. In their traditional felt hats and flowing white garments, turners whirl in unison, attuning to the music of the heart. Special guest master musician Timuçin Çevikoğlu from Turkey will play classical and devotional Turkish music, with musicians of the Society for Turkish Classical Music from across the United States.  

About Timuçin Çevikoğlu, ney

Dr. Timuçin Çevikoğlu has devoted his life to the study and
practice of Ottoman and Mevlevi musics. A superb vocalist currently living in Ankara, he is also a master of the Ney (reed flute), Kudum (kettle drums), and Bendir (frame drum). Holding a Ph.D. in Musical Sciences, Dr. Çevikoğlu is an active researcher in Turkish music, having authored several books and numerous articles on the traditional musical arts. He is a frequent performer in Türkiye and abroad, and has visited the US regularly to offer musical instruction since 2010. He has taught in several Turkish universities, and has been the director of state musical ensembles, as well as directing the annual pan-cultural Konya Festival of Mystical Music. He is featured on many recordings of Mevlevi music, and can be seen on numerous YouTube videos.

Ballard Oddfellows Hall

1706 NW Market St.
Seattle, WA 98107
United States