Sunday, December 24, 2023 @ 7:00pm – 9:00pm (PST)
First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, Washington, USA

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at First Presbyterian Church Vancouver, featuring performances from Portlandia Brass.

About Portlandia Brass Ensemble

The Portlandia Brass Ensemble is a fun-loving group of active, professional musicians, who built their street cred at well-known music schools (including New England Conservatory, Eastman, UNT), symphonies (like Eugene and Salem), and many exciting music groups. They love to bring music up close and personal and perform in all kinds of venues, from in-home concerts to traditional concert halls. Past performances include the University of Portland, Oregon Symphony Prelude, The Old Church Lunchtime Concerts, Reed College commencement, Willamette Ale & Cider House and Groupmuse. Their music programs have 'a little something for everyone' - songs you know, and new ones to love; you might find yourself sitting with the band or playing an unusual rhythm instrument.

First Presbyterian Church

4300 Main St.
Vancouver, Washington 98663