Atlanta Baroque: Dido & Aeneas
$37-$53 ($15 student)
In its most ambitious project to date, the ABO presents a fully staged production of Dido and Aeneas, Henry Purcell's beloved and timeless opera. This is a star-studded event! With its rich aesthetic layers, this opera draws the viewer into a captivating realm. Internationally renowned guest vocalists Hannah De Priest (Dido), Brian Giebler (Aeneas), Michael Galvin (Sorceress), and Andréa Walker (Belinda) bring their youthful energy to this tragic love story involving a Carthaginian queen, a Trojan hero, and a meddling Sorceress who conjures their demise.
George Staib's superb world-renowned and Atlanta-based modern dance company, staibdance, adds rich and evocative storytelling to our production, alongside Sarah Hillmer's emerging artist dance ensemble ImmerseATL.
Atlanta's supremely talented Deanna Joseph (GSU Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities) directs a chorus of top-tier current and recent GSU graduates. The robust ABO orchestra has never been in better company!
Runs Feb. 2-6.
About Atlanta Baroque Orchestra
Founded in Atlanta, Georgia, the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra has been performing continuously since 1998 and remains preeminent in the early music movement. Under the direction of Artistic Director & Concertmaster, Julie Andrijeski, ABO is the first and oldest professional orchestra in the Southeastern United States dedicated to the historically-informed performance (also called "authentic performance practice") of Baroque music on period instruments.