FMMC Dumbarton Chamber Series
Free (RSVP requested but not required)
- Albert Hunt, bass clarnet
- Eric Silla, violin
- Christine Kharazian, volin
- Marjorie Wellman, soprano
- Carol Falvo, recorder
- Caroline Brethauer, viola
- Edwina Moldover, cello
- Bonnie Shuen, harpsichord
Johann Sebastian Bach
Selected works
(excerpts from Cello Suites TBA; arr. for bass clarinet)
Rodolphe Kreutzer — Selected works (2 violin duos TBA)
Antonio Vivaldi — All'ombra di sospetto, RV 678
Johann Sebastian Bach — Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot, BWV 39 ("V. Aria: Höchster, was ich habe")
Johann Sebastian Bach — Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152 ("IV. Aria: Stein, der über alle Schätze")
Johann Sebastian Bach — Violin Sonata No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1014
Rodolphe Kreutzer — Selected works (2 violin duos TBA)
Antonio Vivaldi — All'ombra di sospetto, RV 678
Johann Sebastian Bach — Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot, BWV 39 ("V. Aria: Höchster, was ich habe")
Johann Sebastian Bach — Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152 ("IV. Aria: Stein, der über alle Schätze")
Johann Sebastian Bach — Violin Sonata No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1014
About Christine Kharazian, volin
About Edwina Moldover, cello
Edwina Moldover, cello, has played since age nine. Now retired from hospice nursing, she has free time to devote to the enjoyment of music. She plays with the Washington Sinfonietta and the Landon Symphonette, and especially enjoys playing chamber music with friends.