Patrick Crossland – Past Concerts
Trombonist Patrick Crossland was born in Jackson, Mississippi. Growing up in southern Louisiana, he began playing trombone at age 10. He has worked closely with several prominent composers. Solo performances include the Walker Art Center's "Festival Dancing In Your Head" (2001, 2002, 2005); the Darmstadt Course for New Music (2004, 2006, 2008), where he was awarded a Solo Performance Prize; and the "Utopia Jetzt!" Festival (Germany) where he performed his acclaimed "V for Grock" multimedia recital. In 2009 he premiered his "Krieg dem Krieg" project featuring thematic works for trombone and electronics. In addition to his activities as a soloist and chamber musician, he is an avid improviser, working with a wide range of musicians, dancers, and actors. He is a member of the Composers Slide Quartet, Ensemble Laboratorium, and Zinc & Copper Works. Recently relocated to the Baltimore area, he teaches trombone and other music courses at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
Livewire 14: Ruckus
Linda Dusman — Terra Mycellia (world premiere)
Alexandra Gardner — Selected works (world premiere TBA; dedicated to Annea Lockwood)
Anna Rubin — Dreaming Fire, Tasting Rain
Patricia Ann Repar —
$15 ($10 senior, $5 student)
Rhizome: Kevin Murray / Adam Arritola & Crowmeat Bob / Kirsten Lies-Warfield / Crossland-Dierker-Gouin
$10-$20 sliding scale