Michael Plagerman – Upcoming Concerts
Michael Plagerman is the Director of Sacred Music at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Seattle, where he oversees concert planning, shares organ duties, and directs the parish choir as well as the cantorei, a professional vocal ensemble that sings choral masses and concerts throughout the year. Michael holds degrees from Pacific Lutheran University, the University of Notre Dame, and Cornell University where he studied with Paul Tegels, Craig Cramer, Douglas Reid, Nathan Laube, Christophe Mantoux, and Annette Richards. In the completion of these degrees, he has received numerous scholarships and awards including the James D. Holloway Scholar, the David P. Dahl Organ Scholar, and the Craig Cramer Award in Organ Performance. He is currently finishing his doctoral dissertation through Cornell University, researching late 19th-century American organ performance in Boston.
Concerts at Blessed Sacrament: Thou Art Rock
Giovanni Gabrieli — In ecclesiis, Ch. 78
James MacMillan — Tu es Petrus
Kile Smith — Jesus Stood on the Shore (world premiere)
Benjamin Britten — Hymn to St. Peter, Op. 56a
Peter Philips — Cantiones Sacræ quinis vocibus, No. 14: Symon Petre antequam denavi
William Mathias — Let the People Praise Thee, O God
$25 advance, $30 at the door ($25 senior/student; ages 12 & under free)
Music at St. Luke's Memorial: Choral Evensong & Organ Recital
Sarah MacDonald — Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Second Service)
Charles Wood — Glorious and Powerful God